WARNING - This site is for adults only!

This web site contains sexually explicit material:

Dink's Blog

Hello all my fellow straight guy lovers! It's been a bit since I've reached out to you but hopefully you've been enjoying our latest offerings featuring some of your old favorite ASG scenes in nice, crisp and clear HD. Isn't technology amazing when it finally catches up? We lucked up and found some super fancy software that utilizes the latest AI technology (yes, Artificial Intelligence) that takes the old Standard Definition footage and transforms it into a rich viewing experience like it was just shot today with the most advanced equipment. That's a really great discovery when you consider that not much of today's porn meets the hotness of the classic ASG. It was a different time with a different breed of directors and models behind the work. ASG was one of the leaders in the "straight guys doing gay porn" or "Gay 4 Pay" market as it would eventually become known.

Aside from myself when I was in command over at Active Duty, Doug, Jay and Marc here at ASG were dedicated to bringing you the straightest, hottest and most masculine guys doing the gayest things we could talk them into doing. It was an era all to itself. Aside from a few studios that have picked up the torch and continued to carry it along, it's a genre and an art all but gone. Not only has technology made it possible to enjoy these classic scenes in super HD, but sadly, technology has made the genuine hard-to-get straight guy much harder to find. Too many options present themselves now and it's more mainstream for a guy to "experiment" and get his cock sucked than ever before. It's sad in a sense because there's no more "underground" or "secrets" like there once was which made life more interesting. For me, it was never fun unless I wasn't supposed to be doing it. This generation may just have it too easy which is rather boring to me. Luckily for those of us who miss certain things about the past, there's AI technology that brings what we love into today's latest formats and quality. And, the AI software keeps learning as time goes on and eventually it'll allow us to present the scenes to you here in 2K and even 4K quality. That's what we are currently working on so stay tuned for that.

Also, you may have noticed last week that we released our first HD Compilation in the form of ASG MIX 1 which brings 5 of our latest upgraded HD scenes into one big file for you to hit play and enjoy for a full hour and forty minutes! No more finding the next scene while your hard on fades, just hit play on an ASG MIX and enjoy some hot porn for as long as you need to finish your business! We will introduce one super long, action packed ASG MIX (or compilation) each month for you to enjoy in addition to our regular weekly HD Updates! ASG is finally coming into its own for the 21st Century and if you're like me, you couldn't be happier.

If you haven't joined ASG lately, now is a great time to do so.


We've been teasing you about new things to come here at ASG recently as we've rolled out some new features such as the "Pay-Per-Scene" section, celebrated ASG's 20th Anniversary and gave you plenty of incentive to join us through the long quarantine. We've provided you with our own version of a stimulus package by making ASG more affordable than ever. We hope you've taken advantage of it and are now reading this blog from inside the members area. If not, there is no better time than now to join the inner circle as this week we're rolling out yet another great feature.

In an effort to further enhance the value of your ASG membership we have added a brand new section called "Bonus Updates" where we will feature a second weekly update here on the site with additional hot content from other studios. Many of you who have followed my work for years will remember Dirty Bird Pictures, which was a secondary sister studio I kicked off as a competitor to the more traditional studios like Falcon, Channel 1 and others. Dirty Bird Pictures was comprised of more story driven, plot intensive features mixing our amateur talent (Active Duty models) with more mainstream models for what would be a much more polished, glossy and professional catalog of work. From a success standpoint, this formula worked like a charm. It wasn't the first time such a thing had been done, but it's immediate success certainly outshined any attempt before it.

Our first year of production saw several of our features nominated for and winning GayVN Awards as well as Grabby Awards nominations and wins. Titles like The Porne Identity saw Kaden Saylor, Colin, Kasey and Levi all from the Active Duty amateur family suddenly mingling with the likes of "Pro's" such as Brent Corrigan and Mason Wyler. Finally I felt like it had all come full-circle. Not only was Active Duty one of the most successful amateur studios on the Internet but now it had a professional sister studio that was turning heads and getting noticed by the industry "big shots". The funny thing was both myself and my amateur guys were showing the "pro's" that we could do it just as good, if not better, than they could.

The Active Duty amateurs were excited to be part of something new and they gave it their all just like they had always done in their amateur productions. I was so happy to finally be able to make them feel like professionals instead of "living room porn stars" as one queen in Chicago once called them. Many of them ended up on the covers of all the gay porn magazines of the time and you could see the pride on their faces when such things happened. The real kicker was when the industry awards recognized their hard work and suddenly they were center stage shoulder to shoulder with the "big" two-name stars of the industry. It truly was a magical time and I was elated to be able to provide such an outlet of recognition for them.

For me, it was a time of thrilling excitement and growth. By this time the "scandal" at Fort Bragg was behind us and I had moved the company to San Diego, CA. Looking back, I can't imagine how I possibly pulled it all off but I was blessed with an office of dedicated folks who were jumping through hoops behind the scenes to make sure we looked good on the frontlines. From solos of soldiers shot mostly in my bedroom back in North Carolina all the way to sunny California, like Virginia Slims, we'd come a long way, baby.

Starting now and for the first time ever, you can enjoy the exclusive scenes we shot under the Dirty Bird Pictures umbrella here at ASG via the mid-week "Bonus Update". You'll no doubt remember many of the faces and be glad to see them again in different scenarios. I hope you enjoy this addition to ASG and the added weekly content to enhance the value of your porn dollar.


Hey Fellow Straight Guy Chasers,

First of all let me start off by wishing you all a very Happy Pride Month and give a shout out and a very heartfelt thank you to our LGBTQ+ brothers and sisters who started the path that would eventually lead us to the paved road we walk on today. Tired of police harassment and inequality as a whole they'd finally had enough of the discrimination and suppression brought on by constant police raids of gay, lesbian and transgendered establishments. One of those establishments was a gay bar known as the Stonewall Inn. It was here in the early hours of June 28, 1969 that a fed up group of gay men, lesbians and drag queens (transgender wasn't a term heavily used at the time) would stand their ground and fight back. As police and the queer patrons went toe to high heels, the bar was set on fire by police officers to try and disperse the crowd. One drag queen threw her shot glass into a bar room mirror and yelled out, "I've got my civil rights!" For what would become the gay rights movement it would be known as "the shot glass heard 'round the world" as riots broke out and sparked demonstrations and marches throughout Greenwich Village until July 3rd. That drag queen was Marsha P. Johnson.

The Stonewall Rebellion would inspire the Christopher Street Liberation Pride rally which would be held on the first anniversary of the Stonewall Rebellion in June of 1970. From this small rally Gay Pride Parades would begin organizing in cities across the country year after year and today there are more than 500 yearly Gay Pride Parades in the United States during the month of June each owing its existence to those who stood up and refused to be silenced anymore hence why June is considered by the LGBTQ+ Community as Pride Month or just simply Pride. For many of you reading this, I'm preaching to the choir as I'm sure you know your Gay Rights and Gay Pride history, but for our younger siblings many don't know the first thing about the struggle that allow them the freedoms they now enjoy. I often say that I came up when being gay wasn't cool but even I have no idea what suffering through the kind of discrimination and oppression was like for the men and women that ignited our cause. I'm luckier than they were because of what they found the courage to do. And hopefully today's generation realize just how lucky they are. We owe it to ourselves to know our history and to celebrate those who came before us who sacrificed so much so that we can all be proud of who we are. I often put it into perspective by realizing had my elders not made those sacrifices this gay boy from rural North Carolina would have never been able to start a gay porn site in 1998.

Unfortunately 2020 has been a year like no other and not in a good way. With shutdowns, cancellations and just pure madness thanks to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic followed by a government mandated quarantine that lasted nearly two months and shut the economy down. Those who weren't already batshit crazy joined the rest of us who already were. Many high school seniors in the class of 2020 would be among the first in history not to enjoy the liberating feeling of walking across the stage to receive a diploma they worked 12 hard years to earn. Family members would die in hospitals alone because their loved ones weren't allowed to be by their side. Nationwide unrest, protest and outrage have boiled over because even in this day and age in this great nation people are still suffering at the hands of oppression and discrimination and unlawful acts of violence. As citizens many of us find it impossible to trust those who we expect to protect and serve. Is it the end of the world as we know it? Has the world finally gone to hell in a handbasket? That remains to be seen.

I still believe there's hope. And I hope you do, too. With many events closed down because of social distancing and the world becoming 6ft or more apart at every turn will we ever be able to come together as one again? Will we ever be able to stand shoulder to shoulder without wearing a face covering to protect ourselves against God knows what? Is the pandemic really a plandemic and all of us mere clueless participants in a changing world that will never return to normal as we once knew it? I don't have the answer to that. But I do know that in the face of it all with cancellations of nearly everything any of us hold dear we will find a way to overcome it all.

One example can be found in the response to nearly all the Gay Pride Parades across the world being cancelled this year once again the LGBTQ+ stands in the face of adversity and says "oh no, not today. Not on my watch." On Saturday June 27th 2020 organizers will hold the world's first "Virtual Global Pride Event" bringing together world leaders, politicians, activist, singers, musicians and speakers for a 24 hour Live Streaming Event. Global Pride was the result of over 500 Pride organizations who submitted over 1,000 pieces of content for this first ever event.

"What makes Global Pride very unique is that this is the first Pride of its kind where we are really focused on bringing the entire LGBT global community together." Said Natalie Thompson, a chair of the Global Pride event.

But Gay Pride won't be the only thing Global Pride focuses on. It will also amplify black voices and acknowledge the demand for racial justice.

To learn more about Global Pride and to join in on the live stream check out this link:


Now, let's go watch some good ASG porn and clear our minds until we all meet at Global Pride!!

Dink Flamingo

Twenty years ago this month, lovers and online pioneers put their vision in motion and opened the virtual doors to their world at Amateur Straight Guys. Though they were deeply in love with one another Doug and Jay shared a love for bedding straight guys. It was that fantasy that would inspire them to venture out and buy a camera and begin recruiting straight guys for their new business. The two were good at finding and convincing hot straight guys to strip down and throw caution to the wind while crossing over their sexual boundaries and experimenting with other guys.

The World Wide Web was much akin to the Wild Wild West at the time and they staked their claim in a genre that would dominate the gay online market place for the decades that would follow. In addition to my own site, Active Duty, which I had started two years earlier. the sites that catered to this genre and did it well could be probably be counted on one hand. The onslaught of similar sites would still be a couple of years away and Doug and Jay set out on their maiden voyage with their unique brand of seducing straight guys into doing not so straight things. Many of those sites we all know so well now like Sean Cody, Corbin Fisher, Broke Straight Boys and many others would owe it to the success of Amateur Straight Guys and its founders Doug and Jay for helping pave the way. They truly were visionaries ahead of the pack.

For the next 10 years ASG would thrive and become one of the most successful "gay-for-pay" sites on the Internet. In 2010 when I got word that Doug and Jay had parted ways and Amateur Straight Guys would either be sold or closed down I quickly stepped up and made an effort to save the legendary site from closing down. After all, I had been a big fan myself even though I had enjoyed enormous success with Active Duty and had solidified my own brand of straight military guys crossing the line and experimenting. Our guys may have been different but our concept was the same and it was a welcome distraction for me to enjoy someone else's work in addition to my own. Stepping up to save another pioneering site just seemed like the right thing to do.

The road ahead would be hard but worth the fight. A lot of things had to be resolved and even a lawsuit to be fought with some of Doug and Jay's former business relationships. I knew what I was in for before I signed on the dotted line and I was ready for the fight. Luckily the fight was successful and all things resolved.

When I sold my beloved baby Active Duty back in 2015 I decided to keep Amateur Straight Guys rather than include it in the deal. In 2018 we redesigned the site and relaunched the version you are on right now. Twenty years later ASG is still enjoying success and is alive and well. The hard work of Doug and Jay has been preserved and catalogued here for people like yourself to enjoy for many years to come.

The hunt for straight guys willing to step out of their comfort zone and try new things is still ongoing and there are several new things on the horizon here at ASG. In the coming weeks as we continue to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of ASG we will be introducing these new features to make it an even better site and a great experience for our members. Stick around. We're glad you're here. It's not every day that we get to personally enjoy legends but ASG is here going strong and ready for you to enjoy!