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Blog Posts With a 'bonus' Tag

We've been teasing you about new things to come here at ASG recently as we've rolled out some new features such as the "Pay-Per-Scene" section, celebrated ASG's 20th Anniversary and gave you plenty of incentive to join us through the long quarantine. We've provided you with our own version of a stimulus package by making ASG more affordable than ever. We hope you've taken advantage of it and are now reading this blog from inside the members area. If not, there is no better time than now to join the inner circle as this week we're rolling out yet another great feature.

In an effort to further enhance the value of your ASG membership we have added a brand new section called "Bonus Updates" where we will feature a second weekly update here on the site with additional hot content from other studios. Many of you who have followed my work for years will remember Dirty Bird Pictures, which was a secondary sister studio I kicked off as a competitor to the more traditional studios like Falcon, Channel 1 and others. Dirty Bird Pictures was comprised of more story driven, plot intensive features mixing our amateur talent (Active Duty models) with more mainstream models for what would be a much more polished, glossy and professional catalog of work. From a success standpoint, this formula worked like a charm. It wasn't the first time such a thing had been done, but it's immediate success certainly outshined any attempt before it.

Our first year of production saw several of our features nominated for and winning GayVN Awards as well as Grabby Awards nominations and wins. Titles like The Porne Identity saw Kaden Saylor, Colin, Kasey and Levi all from the Active Duty amateur family suddenly mingling with the likes of "Pro's" such as Brent Corrigan and Mason Wyler. Finally I felt like it had all come full-circle. Not only was Active Duty one of the most successful amateur studios on the Internet but now it had a professional sister studio that was turning heads and getting noticed by the industry "big shots". The funny thing was both myself and my amateur guys were showing the "pro's" that we could do it just as good, if not better, than they could.

The Active Duty amateurs were excited to be part of something new and they gave it their all just like they had always done in their amateur productions. I was so happy to finally be able to make them feel like professionals instead of "living room porn stars" as one queen in Chicago once called them. Many of them ended up on the covers of all the gay porn magazines of the time and you could see the pride on their faces when such things happened. The real kicker was when the industry awards recognized their hard work and suddenly they were center stage shoulder to shoulder with the "big" two-name stars of the industry. It truly was a magical time and I was elated to be able to provide such an outlet of recognition for them.

For me, it was a time of thrilling excitement and growth. By this time the "scandal" at Fort Bragg was behind us and I had moved the company to San Diego, CA. Looking back, I can't imagine how I possibly pulled it all off but I was blessed with an office of dedicated folks who were jumping through hoops behind the scenes to make sure we looked good on the frontlines. From solos of soldiers shot mostly in my bedroom back in North Carolina all the way to sunny California, like Virginia Slims, we'd come a long way, baby.

Starting now and for the first time ever, you can enjoy the exclusive scenes we shot under the Dirty Bird Pictures umbrella here at ASG via the mid-week "Bonus Update". You'll no doubt remember many of the faces and be glad to see them again in different scenarios. I hope you enjoy this addition to ASG and the added weekly content to enhance the value of your porn dollar.
